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tutorialWed Mar 20 2024

Convert a Chrome Extension to Safari Extension (easy and fast) โ€‹


Introduction โ€‹

Hola Amigos ๐ŸŒŸ,

I'm รngel, one of the members of the PigeonPosse collective, and today I want to share with you how to convert a Chrome extension to Safari easily and quickly using Bepp.

Bepp is an open-source tool designed to facilitate the creation of cross-platform extensions for modern web browsers, including Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Brave, etc. With Bepp, you can package your extension for 13 or more types of browsers by simply filling out a configuration file.

The idea behind Bepp is for developers to focus solely on developing the extension, leaving the process of converting to other browsers to the tool itself. Read more


Although Bepp can do much more, in this post, we'll focus only on converting Chrome to Safari.

Requirements โ€‹

  • macOS (mac Operating System)


If you don't have macOS, you can use our GitHub action.

Installation โ€‹

Before we begin, we need to install Bepp. This can be done in three different ways:

  1. Installation in a Node environment: Simply run one of the following commands in your terminal depending on the package manager you use:
# using npm
npm install @bepp/bepp
# using pnpm
pnpm i @bepp/bepp
# using yarn
yarn add @bepp/bepp
  1. Download the binary: Download the Bepp binary. Compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS. Download

  2. Using a GitHub Action: Integrate Bepp into your GitHub workflows using our available action. Read more

Configuration File โ€‹

Once you have Bepp installed, you'll need to create a configuration file for your extension. This file specifies the details of your extension, such as the name, input path, target platforms, etc. You can use a YAML, TOML, or JSON file for this.

My example will use a yaml file and an extension called supe8. The idea of using super8 is that apart from being an opern-source project, it is a fairly complete extension: it contains a popup, an options page, a context menu , injects js into the content and has translations to other languages. That is, it is perfect to see how the conversion works perfectly with a complex extension. check super8 code

config file:

# ./bepp.config.yml

# Data for shared with your builds.
# @see
  id: 'Super8' # name/id of your extension
    chromium: 'build/chromium-mv3/' # input of your man 3 extension path
  output: 'dist' # [optional] output path for your built extensions

# Set the browsers you want build.
# @see
  - type: safari # tells bepp to build your safari extension


Additional Configuration โ€‹

There are more fields to further customize your build. If you want more information, you can read more here or run:

# for help in the build:
bepp help build
# for help only for Safari build:
bepp help build-safari

Execution โ€‹

Once the configuration file is set up, you'll need to execute Bepp to convert your extension from Chrome to Safari. You can do this easily by running:

bepp build

GitHub Action Integration โ€‹

You can integrate Bepp into your GitHub workflows and upload the built extensions to GitHub.


# .github/workflows/build.yml

name: Release extensions
        description: 'Set number for release version'
        type: string
        required: true
    name: Release extensions with Bepp
    runs-on: macos-latest # Must be macOS for Safari extension build

      - name: ๐Ÿ›Ž Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
          node-version: 20

      - name: ๐Ÿš€ Build extension with Bepp GH
        uses: pigeonposse/[email protected]
        # For custom config file input
        # Default looks for file in workspace path bepp.config.json, bepp.config.yaml, bepp.config.toml
        # More info for config file:
        # with:
        #   file: './custom-bepp.config.json'
      # Alternative build with node
    #   - name: ๐Ÿš€ Build extension with Bepp intalled in node_modules
    #     run: pnpm install && pnpm exec bepp build

      - name: Create GitHub release
        uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
          tag: "${{  github.event.inputs.version }}"
          name: 'Super8 v${{ github.event.inputs.version }}'
          draft: false
          prerelease: false
          allowUpdates: true
          artifacts: "dist/*" # This should be the path where the extensions are built.
          body: "releases for v{{  github.event.inputs.version }}""

Result โ€‹

Once the conversion is done we will have our extension ready. Below I put images of the super8 safari extension created and the process to activate it.

Open compressed extension โ€‹


Open DMG โ€‹


In the DMG window, drag the app to the Applications folder โ€‹

DMG open

Go to lauchpad โ€‹


Open safari extension app โ€‹

Open App

In safari settings, allow unsigned extension โ€‹



Maybe this option does not appear, to make it appear you can read more about this in: how to open unsigned safari extensions in macos

Now you can activate extension in safari settings โ€‹


Extension in use โ€‹


Extension popup โ€‹

extension popup

Extension options page โ€‹

extension options

Extension content โ€‹

extension content

As you can see, everything works perfectly. โœจ

Conclusion โ€‹

With Bepp, the process of converting a Chrome extension to Safari is greatly simplified. You no longer have to worry about the technical details or the differences between platforms; Bepp takes care of everything for you.

We hope this guide has been helpful and that you can make the most of this tool in your web browser extension development projects.

Notes โ€‹

Remember that Bepp is open source, and we are open to suggestions and pull requests.

Thank you very much for reading.

รngel ๐Ÿฆ๐ŸŒˆ